Jenny Wright Therapies St Albans

Lymphatic Drainage Massage & Therapeutic Massage. Lymphatic Sysem

Lymphatic Drainage Massage and Therapeutic Massage

Lymphatic Drainage Massage is an advanced therapy in which the practitioner uses a range of specialised and gentle rhythmic pumping techniques to move the skin in the direction of the lymph flow.
This stimulates the lymphatic vessels which carry substances vital to the defence of the body and removes waste products.

The first visit will include a consultation during which I will recommend the number and frequency of future treatment sessions. Each treatment session will last approximately one hour. Where appropriate I will work in conjunction with your medical practitioner.

Lymphatic Drainage Massage is both a preventative and a remedial technique and can enhance your well being. Furthermore, Lymphatic Drainage massage:
Is deeply relaxing
Promotes the healing of fractures, torn ligaments, sprains and lessens pain.
Can improve many chronic conditions: sinusitus, blocked nose, acne and other skin conditions.
May strengthen the immune system as part of “detox” treatment.
Relieves fluid congestion: swollen ankles, tired puffy eyes and swollen legs due to pregnancy.

But if you just want an hour to yourself enjoying a relaxing massage I can do that too . . .
Remember, Massage also:

Counteracts all that sitting we do these days
Eases muscle pains
Soothes Anxiety and Depression
Improves Sleep
Boosts Immunity
Relieves Headaches

Get in contact and book time for yourself. You are worth it!

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